Day: May 24, 2022

Ki o Rahi

Ki o Rahi


Last Thursday coach Chelsea came to room 6 to teach  us a new Maori game. We started 

off with a video that told us the Maori legend about the main characters which were Rahi and tiara.

 Meanwhile we had to listen carefully so when coach Chelsea asked us a question  we could answer her. After the video we went outside to play the game but we couldn’t really play the Ki o rahi game because it was raining and coach Chelsea couldn’t set up the equipment so we had to play a tagging game that had two teams. One team was called Kioma and the other team was called Taniwha. It includes running and tagging and in some ways it was similar to rats and rabbits. We had to have a partner and it also had rules . When the game finished we played another game called octopus.  It was easy and fun and also slippery. While we were playing the other class came so they could play too so we had one more round to play. After playing the game coach Chelsea said that she will come every Thursday to teach us ki o rahi and we were all happy and sporty after all that running.