Day: October 27, 2022

Preparing for Athletics Day on 18 November

After morning tea my classmates and I went to the field and met coach Bart and some of us went and grabbed our water  bottles and then  we came right back and sat on the stone wall.  He introduced himself first as coach Bart, and then he gave us some instructions. We played sheepdogs which was so fun but some of the warm up exercises were hard like when we had to bend low, look straight and run on our heels and toes.

Mrs Agnew took some pictures of us while we were all running in a circle around cones. We were playing a game similar to tag but we used noodles. The coach said “don’t hit the head.” We had to hit below the waist or their legs. If they do hit you you have to come out and run 1 time around the square and then you are able to go back to the game.

After that we learned how to sprint. You also have to keep your arms and legs pumping  so it can give you energy while you are sprinting. After we learned all the rules about how to sprint. We played a different game and it was another similar game to  tag and we also sprinted in this game too.

We had to run back and forward  only when coach Bart says “ready set go” but he doesn’t say ‘go’ because he claps. We played another game and it was all about jumping as far as we could. He gave us some beanbags  and he said “jump and where you land place your bean bag there.” It took me a very long time to jump past my bean bag. Then coach Bart said just pump your legs and arms and and swing them and you will feel yourselves jump further. It worked for me.

After that we had to gather all up as a team. Meanwhile room 8 and room 7 came to have their turn, so we  said our good byes and said what we had learned. It was hard to talk because we were very hot and thirsty.

Finally we went back to the path and drank some water and some of us put on our jumpers and put their shoes back on their feet. We were all hot but we got to learn new skills for athletics day. Even though we were all exhausted, we were still happy and I hope we can do that again some time soon.

Here are some photos of us.