Year: 2022

Grace Making my tree hut.

Last term we were collecting some materials from our homes. We came to school and put our materials down where they will be safe . During the day our teacher said we have to all sit on the mat. When we did, the teacher said that we had to listen carefully  so she could explain all the success criteria. After that we were all allowed to start making our tree hut.


When we started, all of the students including me went to grab all the materials we had  brought from home and some kids didn’t bring some materials but luckily the teacher brought some materials . We started to make our tree huts. We started off happily but each day it got harder and harder but we managed to put the pieces all together and solve the problems which came up.


We had to do some testing so we all knew our tree huts are all strong and well designed and built. I was thinking to make sure my hut was strong so I started off with a strong box. I cut the box and then I glued bits together. Then I put some weights on it  to make it heavier. I used toilet rolls to hold it up off the ground. I was helped by my childhood best friend. 


It was so much fun putting on some beautiful decorations, some weight and a beautiful cardboard roof with some colourful felts and making an ice block ladder.  I was so excited because after taping and glueing all the bits of pieces together, my teacher said everyone who has finished construction can paint their own tree huts. I had so much fun painting  and I painted from the bottom up to the top. We may have painted ourselves but at least we had fun.

 My classmates and I finally finished painting. Our job was just to wait for our huts to dry up. When it was dry  we  were all happy because now we can do our testing . 

  And we couldn’t all believe we passed all of our tests with . I am so proud of myself and of my classmates because we all managed to build our huts so everyone stayed safe and did a good job.

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