Month: August 2023

How NZ Native Species Have Adapted Over Time.

Animals live everywhere and they have to adapt to live and survive, for example whales were not as big as they were  till now, they had to adapt  into a sea creature to travel the world and find food to eat.

Adaptations are really important for animals and plants, because if they don’t adapt they might die or suffer but for plants they will need water and soil and care for them to survive, because plants bloom when springs start but when autumn comes the plants slowly die.

Huia are extinct because they were haunted by the Maoris and they also did not adapt to survive and to search for their food safely so it was pretty easy for predators and Maoris to haunt it and kill it, this is why adaptations are important for animals.

Kiwi’s are in serious danger and there are about 70,000 kiwi’s left, but if the kiwi’s are able to adapt they may be able to survive against all predators, this is common for kiwi’s to get attacked because they were used to not being a prey.

If animals that are not harmful adapt, predators may not want to attack them, this may be the reason why animals cannot survive in different places, it’s because some animals are warm blooded and will only want cold places to cool them down and cold blooded animals would want somewhere hot so they can be warm.

 Moa were large birds and the could not fly, so when the Maoris came to New Zealand they saw the Moa as food so they started to haunt it and eat it but before the Maoris arrived but there was a haast  eagle that liked haunting it down so the Moa were easily extinct, but if the Moa could of adapted it would probably be still alive till now.

Adaptations are really important and some animals can adapt and some cannot adapt, us humans are so lucky to have objects and items to keep us warm or chilled. 

The Water Cycle


                                                                                 The Water Cycle


The water cycle works in four ways with its evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection, without those steps there will be no water cycle on earth, and the water cycle is very useful to humans and plants.


The water cycle happens because it’s the heat of the sun that starts to evaporate, and then the water that’s on the ground turns into steam and goes into the clouds.


After that condensation starts to take over because the steam that went into the clouds starts to cool down and slowly turns into liquid and  it’s water vapor, and sometimes it can be big raindrops or small raindrops. It actually depends on how much steam that went into the clouds.


After  precipitation takes over the liquid can change into rain, sleet, snow, and hail and it can sometimes be useful and sometimes it can’t be useful just like hail, hail happens when the water is too cold so it freezes the rain drops and turns into hail.


Then the collection takes over, collection is actually the best steps, it’s actually all those steps, it just heats the water and turns it into steam and drops down like rain  and ends up in the sea, the ground and the ocean, and it can be very useful.