Nora Swann

Nora Swann


On the 26 of June a designer came to our school and introduced herself as Nora Swann. During morning tea, my friends and I saw our teacher rushing into the classroom so we went to check out what was happening. When we got there he told us to start cleaning up the room and make lots of room because the whole school is coming in here.


After cleaning up the room Nora Swann came into our classroom and Rm 8 was coming inside the room, after Rm 8 came into the room the other classes started to come inside the our room, after all of the class coming in to our room, Nora Swann started to explain her life and was showing us a slide deck.


Nora Swann is Samoan and Niue, and she owns her own business career, and New York wrote a book about her, she said when she was young she use to be so shy and she very much disliked boys, but each time her passion was growing she was getting confident and she had a husband and two children, she visits school and tells her life to them.


Nora Swann also got a badge from the prime minister Chris Hipkins, it’s because she carried on with her passion during COVID 19.  Nora Swann also won a trophy for fashion this year, but Nora Swann said to us if she reads a book she leaves everything behind and get stuck into the book,She also said that if we read lots of books we will achieve our dream.


She showed us a quote of what Ariana Grande said and she also said we should never give up on our dreams, she is going to Samoa today for some fashion business and their are different cultures just like her and she’s the representative of NZ. Nora Swann even went to japan to teach people English but she didn’t really like teaching so she came back to NZ.


She even posts pictures of her styling, and people comments bad things of her posts, but she  putted up with all of those comments but she didn’t care about it, as long as she’s happy with her style, she always didn’t give up on her dream and I hope she doesn’t get pulled down from all those bad comments. 


I am really inspired by her words. I wish I can grow up being just like her, and I hope I can spread out the words she said to us and may she live the best life.


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